Wednesday, 19 November 2014

I Try So You Don't Have To: Mess-Free Painting!

This is my take on mess free painting. It was a quick and easy clean up and Giant Baby got to feel the paint without the fear of it getting everywhere. Worked like a charm!

1) Take a hardcover book that's bigger then a regular piece of paper. Saran 
2) Wrap the book unless you want it destroyed. 

This part is best prepped beforehand because, babies=no patience 

3) Take some paper and write a fun message or name in painters tape
4) Use said painters tape to tape the paper to the book. Now I used knitting needles as spacers but you could a paper towel roll cut in half lengthwise too. 
5) Throw some paint on the paper and cover it with the Saran Wrap, leaving a gap between the plastic and paper for smearing.
6) Let your tiny human go to town! Keep an eye on them obviously and try to trim their fingernails beforehand to prevent snagging. 

Cuuuuuuute! And mess free IF you
A) Secure the Saran Wrap. Wrap twice if you want
C) When pulling off the top layer of Saran Wrap, make sure to try and wrap it up with the wet paint on the inside and YOU won't even get dirty!
Happy painting! -MMT

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